Kaleköy Port, 17760 Kaleköy/Gökçeada/Çanakkale
Kabatepe Port is used for those coming to Gökçeada from Istanbul, and Çanakkale Port and Eceabat-Kabatepe Port route is used for those coming from Anatolia. The distance between Istanbul and Kabatepe is approximately 350km. Kabatepe can be reached from the TEM Highway Kınalı exit, via Tekirdağ, Keşan, Gelibolu and Eceabat. The distance between Çanakkale and Ankara is 650 km, and the distance between Çanakkale and İzmir is 330 km. and the distance between Çanakkale and Bursa is 280 km. Do not forget to obtain information about ship hours when you set out.
Transportation to the island is provided by ferries and car ferries belonging to GESTAŞ Deniz Ulatma A.Ş. A sea bus departs from Çanakkale Port, and ferries and car ferries depart from Eceabat-Kabatepe Port.