1. Registration Conditions
After you fill out the registration form and make the payment, your name will appear on the participant list. If you have entered incorrect information, you can have it corrected by sending an e-mail.
The deadline for registration is Sunday, September 1, 2024. Registration will not be accepted after this date or at the event area. Registrations may close at an earlier date when the quota is full.
Early registration: Between 1 January - 31 July, 11km/500 ₺, 33km/600 ₺, 44km/850₺
Late registration : Between 1 August – 1 September, 11km/650 ₺, 33km/800 ₺, 44km/950₺
IMPORTANT: If participants cannot attend the events for any reason (work, health, etc.), no refund will be made. Registration fees may be transferred to another event or not transferred to the person.
Athlete Kit: All participants will receive a chip number and a commemorative t-shirt. The kits will be given to each participant upon presentation of their ID and signature. Kits that are not received at least 2 hours before the start time will not be given and no claims can be made.
2. Program
30 Mayıs 2025 Cuma
* 15:00 - 23:30 Kit Dağıtımı
* 19:00 - 19:30 Teknik Toplantı
* 19:30 - 21:00 Makarna Partisi
31 Mayıs 2025 Cumartesi
* 07:00 33 km ve 44 km Start
* 08:30 5 km ve 11 km Start
* 16:00 Ödül Töreni
* 22:00 After Party
2. Category and Awards
A. Individual Categories:
Apart from the general classification, 4 different age groups are made based on the year of birth; 18-29 Years / 30-39 Years / 40-49 Years / 50+
B. Company Teams:
oneone It is valid for the km track and is a separate classification designed for companies.
There must be at least 1 runner of the opposite gender in the team (female + male mixed team)
Teams must register with lists of at least 6 people. Companies with more runners can form A-B-C... teams.
In order to take part in the team, one must be a payroll employee of the relevant company.
Again, the individual registration form must be filled out and an e-mail must be sent informing who is on which team.
The team's total time is determined by adding up the finishing times of the team's 4 leading runners.
If the teams wish, they will be given their own rest-gathering area in the field. In this area, they can position themselves in their own area with a branded 3x3 meter portable gazebo and a maximum of 2 flags. Rent branded gazebos and flags to teams that do not have their own equipment.llama service will be offered. Please send an e-mail for pricing.
Tüm katılımcılara anı tişörtü verilir.
Parkurunu süre limiti içerisinde tamamlayan tüm koşuculara anı madalyası verilir.
5 km parkurunda genel klasman ilk üç dereceye kupa verilir (yaş grubu yapılmaz).
Diğer parkurlarda genel klasman ilk üç dereceye kupa, yaş grubu ilk üç dereceye kürsü madalyası verilir.
44 km ultra parkurunu tamamlayan tüm koşuculara ayrıca finisher yeleği verilir.
Şirket takımları kategorisinde ilk üç takıma kupa verilir.
Toplam 96.000₺ değerinde genel klasman hediye çeki dağıtılacaktır (dağılım tablosu aşağıdadır).
Yaş gruplarında dereceye giren koşuculara %15 indirim çeki verilecektir.
Ayrıca sponsor ödülleri olursa daha sonra duyurulacaktır.
Genel klasmanda kürsüye çıkan katılımcılar, yaş grubunda ayrıca kürsüye çıkmayacaktır.